Why It's Okay To Change

They've changed. A phrase we've all heard before, and most likely used to describe a drifting friendship, a change in someones career or life, or even to justify the twinge of jealousy we've felt about someone else's growing success or happiness.

I'll hold my hands up, I'm definitely guilty of using it but I've made a conscious effort to use the phrase in a positive way. I remind myself that change is a good thing and can be found in different places and people. We shouldn't assume that our view on "how life should progress" is correct for anyone else but ourself. We can all be advocates for the things we believe are important in life, but we shouldn't project them onto others in order to influence their decisions on life.

Is it you? Sometimes we are so focused on our own feelings, that we don't realise that we may be part of the problem. A friendship fades away but can you say for certain it was all down to the other person? Quite often, it's down to lack of communication but friendship is a two way street, when was the last time you checked in with them? When was the last time you picked up the phone, or even put yourself in their shoes instead of jumping to conclusions. Life happens. Don't let people drift away. Life has a way of pulling you in several different directions, just know that if its real, you'll find your way back to each other.

Change is growth in disguise. Let that sink in. Everyone changes with time. You might fall in love, your career may pull you in a different direction, whatever the reason, you need to recognise that you are growing as a person. So if you find yourself using the phrase "They've changed " take a moment to think about why.

I've learnt that change is detrimental to your personal happiness. Without it you wouldn't move forward in any aspect of your life. Change will undoubtably bring us challenges, but we're all strong enough to overcome them.

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