Goodbye 2015

2015 marked a year of many firsts for me, I guess you could say I found myself? Okay *holds hands up* I don't actually know what that means. What I'm really trying to say is 2015 was a good year. I earned my first pay check, I crossed the first few things off my - some say bucket list, but I call it a fuck it list, and I wrote my first blog post.

Usually by the end of the year, I'm ready to close the door and open another into a new year. This year it feels sad saying goodbye to 2015. I've made so many happy memories and don't want to put them behind me. I've always been so used to locking the years behind me away and fixated on looking forward, this year it feels strange because when I look back I only see happy memories, Its a good thing I know, I can only wish it continues into 2016. It's the most valuable lesson I've learnt this year, not to lock away my memories, remember the good as well as the bad, it's what makes you the person you are today.

We all get the exact same 365 days. The only difference is what we do with them.

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